An easy to integrate solution for presenting UIViewControllers in a bottom sheet
- aminiz
- anthonycastelli@uptech
- anywayfly
- boardmainmassa carrara
- carabinaPersonal
- chrismanderson@sweetgreen
- efremidzeAmazon
- gaoypChina
- geraldcollaku
- halilyilmaz
- hfrahmannGermany
- hoop33@Availity
- iain-reidLondon, UK
- MikeSilvis@square
- mono0926Freelance
- mukyasaMumbai,India
- narciszaitStudent
- pteasimasimapps s.r.o.
- QiuDanielHangzhou
- Rathish11@zohocorporation
- sakiweiHong Kong
- scottire@_ScottCondron
- SjoerdjanssenenMaastricht, The Netherlands
- steve228ukcode writer at @wearecocoon
- stevewoodNewcastle Upon Tyne, UK
- tak-broSeoul, Korea
- tomisacatShanghai, China
- unyRecruit Lifestyle Co., Ltd.
- UzairHaq
- wigglingTokyo, Japan
- woshizilong
- xergic@bohemicastudio
- yothinDigix Technology
- yuhirbClear Inc,
- zhw511006China
- zyrikin