
Basic HTTPS CRUD Methods(GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) using libcurl and openssl for low requirement embedded systems

Primary LanguageC

CURL and OPENSSL installation

CURL should be compiled on machine and with openssl libs:

  1. Install openssl by typing:
        # sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
  2. Identify the openssl location in machine:
        # openssl version -d
    • Example:
  3. Download and extract desired curl version(latest recommended) project, one posibility for example:
        # wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.50.3.tar.gz
        # tar -xvf curl-7.50.3.tar.gz
  4. Go to Curl project and compile with openssl option:
        # cd curl-7.50.3
        # ./configure --with-ssl='/usr/local/ssl'
        # make 
        # make install
    • Note: Default path for --with-ssl option is /usr/local/ssl and this is the default path for openssl installation as well, but it can change, type ./configure --help inside curl project for help in options of compilation.