
Some scripts to make world of tanks minimaps

Primary LanguageC#

Out of Date


First time:
- remove FolderHolder.txt files
- extract icons from res/packages/gui.pkg/gui/flash/Minimap.swf with SWFExtract into icon/
  - you need at least base flags and starting points, IDs ~280-350, rename those to:
    - green.png
    - gs1.png
    - gs2.png
    - gs3.png
    - red.png
    - rs1.png
    - rs2.png
    - rs3.png
    - blank.png
- set WoT installation path in makeMiniMaps.sh (Linux only)

Usage (Windows):
- unpack all packages and put the maps into mapsRaw
- remove all .chunk .cdata files via del /S *.chunk from the mapsRaw directory
- run imgconverter.bat to convert all dds to png
- copy all arena_defs from res/scripts/arena_defs
- run fixdefnames.py to fix the arena_defs names
- run usexmlconverter.bat to convert all xml to readable
- run makemaps.py
- copy all maps to gridding in
- run gridding.py
- move all out to mapsFinal

Usage (Linux):
- execute makeMiniMaps.sh
- optionally execute renameJpg.sh

- Python 2.x
- Python libraries: beautifulsoup4, lxml, PIL
- mogrify (from ImageMagick)
- SWFExtract (part of SWFTools, http://www.swftools.org/)

- Additional requirements:
  - unzip
  - mono
- Permissions to execute:
  - makeMiniMaps.sh
  - imgconverter.sh
  - copyRawMaps.sh
  - compressMaps.sh
  - renameJpg.sh