
Godot led by Liyi in Outpost

Primary LanguageGDScript


Puck2000 is a 1v1 video game adaptation of a board game involving pucks divided equally between the two players on a play field that is split in two and divided by a barrier with an opening.

Each player has to get their pucks through the opening in the middle to land it into their opponent’s side. The player who gets rid of all their pucks from their side wins.

Design Notes

Game Engine: Godot 3.5.2 Stable (LTS)

Target Platform: HTML5 WebGL build only

Renderer: GLES2 - 3D unshaded (no lightning) low poly smooth shaded

Project Lead: Liyi Zhang (@liyiz)


Please note that _assets_src is for source assets only (the "raw" files that generate the game-ready assets for the engine). There is a .gdignore inside the directory so Godot knows to ignore it and not generate meta data for those files. Please refer to the file structure to know where to place your game-ready assets (or if not available, please ask the project lead)

Scale Reference

Please refer to the reference scale cube for all assets made for the game.

You can find the source asset here: \puck2000\_assets_src\misc\scale_ref_cube You can find the in-game asset here: \puck2000\test_scenes\scale_ref

It is 1unit x 1unit x 1unit in Blender, exported and then imported into Godot with default import options.

Material Import

Please remember to set the unshaded flag to on for the .material of any imported 3D model.
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Asset Viewer

You can use the asset viewer test scene to preview how your model will look in game. You can find it at \puck2000\test_scenes\asset_viewer\AssetViewer.tscn Open up the scene, replace/add your model as a child of the PlaceModelHere node and press F6 to play current scene. A script is attached to the PlaceModelHere node that controls its rotation in play mode.
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Main Scene

The scene hierarchy is as follows:

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The TitleScreen node is where other game scenes will be swapped in e.g. main menu, gameplay scene etc.