
Sift through potentially billions of timetable combinations and make the most out of your semester.

Primary LanguageC#

Main UI Example

University of Melbourne Timetable Optimiser

A WPF application that generates optimised subject timetables, given user-defined restrictions and preferences.

Time Restrictions

One of the most obvious and useful things you can do is try restrict your day spans. Users can specify both an 'Earliest Start' and 'Latest Finish' time.

General Optimisations

A variety of useful optimisations options are provided, namely:

  • Least Clashes
    • Aims to reduce the number of clashes present in the timetable. Expectedly the most useful and desired optimisations a user may want.
  • Cram
    • Seeks to stuff as many variable classes into the least number of days possible.
  • Day Avoidance
    • Don't like Mondays? That's fine. Job on Wednesday aswell? Handled.
  • Longest Run Without a Break
    • Aims to reduce the number of consecutive classes for a user defined time span without a break. (e.g. no more than 3 hours without a break)

Optimisation Order

The general optimisations often have different priorities. These can be intuitively reordered before optimisation in terms of priority.