
NAV: Names and Values for Enumerations. Provides complete reflection capabilities on enums, including name lookup, value lookup, parsing functions (like charconv), and input validation

Primary LanguageC++

NAV: Reflection on Enumeration Names and Values


  • Implement NAV_DECLARE_ENUM, NAV_DECLARE_ENUM_CLASS and NAV_DECLARE_ENUM_STRUCT without recursive macro instantiation
  • Remove limit on number of elements in an enumeration
  • Support enumerations with non-trivial dependencies (these are enumerations whose values depend on other members of the enumeration)
  • Support enumerations with arbitrarily large values, up to the numeric limits of the underlying integral type
  • Avoid copying or returning large arrays by value (this speeds compile times)
  • Avoid expensive type deductions (deducing a std::array type on a large number of values proved to be rather expensive)
  • Make nav::enum_names and nav::enum_values indexable and iterable
  • Make nav::enum_names and nav::enum_values compile time constants
  • Store enumeration names in a contiguous block of memory to ensure good cache locality
  • Provide option to null-terminate names (pass -DNAV_ADD_NULL_TERMINATORS=1 to add null terminators after enum names)
  • Provide lowercase names for enum values (useful when writing CLIs and other applications that expose enumeration names to a user)
  • Handle unknown enum types gracefully
  • Handle compile-time string operations quickly and consistently via nav::string_block. This type represents a list of strings, backed together at compile time. It's iterable and provides random-access lookup of strings, and all strings are stored as a single contiguous block of memory, with (optional) null terminators between strings. Indexing into the block returns a string_view, and iterators for nav::string_block similarly return string_views when dereferenced.
  • Get the minimum and maximum value in an enum
  • Look up names from enumeration values
  • Look up enumeration values from names
  • Provide fast O(1) name lookup for compact enumerations (enumerations whose values fit in a reasonably small range)
  • Look up lowercase names from values
  • Look up values from lowercase names
  • Provide functions for fuzzy matching on enum names. This is useful for reporting errors to a user. You can provide suggestions, like "You put X. Did you mean Y?"
  • Provide charconv conversion functions
  • Provide optional integration with libfmt (#include <nav/nav_libfmt.hpp>)
  • Provide optional integration for printing to ostreams (#include <nav/nav_iostream.hpp>)
  • Benchmark compile times against other well-established enumeration reflection libraries
  • Benchmark runtime performance against enum reflection in other languages (Java, Rust)

Graceful handling of unknown enumerations

Nav handles unknown enumerations gracefully. is_nav_enum<EnumType> is false for unknown enumerations, the number of states will be reported as 0, and the number of names and values will be reported as 0 too. The type name and qualified type name for the enumeration will be deduced via nav::get_name_of_type(), which is a generic function that can get the name of most types.

// Snapshot of test code taken from tests/nav_core.cpp
enum class UnknownEnum { A, B, C };

CHECK(nav::enum_type_info<UnknownEnum>::type_name == "UnknownEnum");
REQUIRE(nav::enum_names<UnknownEnum>.size() == 0);
REQUIRE(nav::enum_names<UnknownEnum>.begin() == nav::enum_names<UnknownEnum>.end());

REQUIRE(nav::enum_values<UnknownEnum>.size() == 0);
REQUIRE(nav::enum_values<UnknownEnum>.begin() == nav::enum_values<UnknownEnum>.end());

Nav supports non-trivial enumerations

Here, some members of the RainbowColors enumeration are declared in terms of preceeding members. For example, Green is defined in terms of Yellow and Red

    Red = 0xff0000,
    Orange = (Red + 0xffff00) / 2 & 0xffff00,
    Yellow = 0xffff00,
    Green = Yellow - Red,
    Blue = 0x0000ff,
    Indigo = 0x8A2BE2,
    Violet = Red + Blue);

Comparisons against other libraries

nav magic_enum better-enums enum.hpp wise_enum
Requires macro Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Limits on min/max value? No Yes
Limits on number of values? No Yes
Supports aliased values? Yes No
Supports using enum? Yes Yes No Yes
Special Declaration Syntax? No No Yes
Compact Names in Binary? Yes No
Fuzzy Matching Support Yes No
Lowercase name lookup Yes Yes
libfmt support Yes
charconv support Yes