
Super easy Docker image to host invoice ninja software standalone

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Invoice Ninja Docker Image

This set of files builds a docker image with everything needed to run a self-hosted invoice ninja instance locally. 😄

Get more information about this amazing app here: Invoice Ninja

Installation Steps

Build the image

Download all the files from this repository. If you want, modify some settings in the .env file (such as SMTP settings, etc).

Once you're ready to go, issue the following command:

docker build -t ninja .

And that's really it! You can start/stop a container with this image in the usual way such as:

docker run -dit --name ninja -p 8081:80 ninja

and navigate to http://localhost:8081 in your browser to start using it, but beware the changes you make will be lost after shutdown.

How to make changes persistent

Start container without sharing volume. This will have an initialized mysql ninja DB

docker run -dit --name ninja -p 8081:80 ninja

When the container is running, copy contents of initialized DB into host:

docker cp ninja:/var/lib/mysql/ D:\ninja1

Of course use your own existing local folder here. ;-) This will create a folder underneath the host machine's D:\ninja1\mysql with the corresponding data so it can be persisted.

Shutdown and delete container:

docker container stop ninja

docker container rm ninja

From now on re-run container sharing the volume to persist data:

docker run -dit --name ninja -p 8081:80 -v D:\ninja1\mysql:/var/lib/mysql/ ninja

All changes will be saved locally in your host in the shared volume. 😉

Connect interactively to the running container:

docker exec -it ninja bash

Use this if you need to check logs, mysql data, etc...

How to backup/restore the image on Windows

Use these commands to save/load the image so you don't need to rebuild in the future:

docker save -o image-file-name.tar ninja:latest

docker load -i "c:\path\to\image-file-name.tar"

How to backup/restore the image on Lunix (untested)

docker save ninja:latest | gzip -c > image-file-name.tgz

gunzip -c image-file-name.tgz | docker load

Using PhantomJSCloud

No need to do anything out-of-the-box, this is here just for reference:

  • If you are using the a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address ApiKey, you are limited to 100 Pages/Day.
  • If you exceed this creditBalance, you will get a HTTP Response Status 402 (Payment Required).
  • Sign up for a Free Account and get 500 Pages/Day.

Check pricing here: https://phantomjscloud.com/pricing.html

Using PhantomJS locally (untested)

Inside the running container install using:

apt-get install phantomjs

Add this key to /var/www/html/ninja/.env file:



Of course you'll need to resave the image if you want to be redeployable (docker commit)

Other notes (reference)

If no .env file has been created under /var/www/html/ninja/ then need to add the main user.

Navigate to setup page (http://localhost:8081/setup) and configure using the correct password for SQL: somep@ssw0rdForSQL

Test connection, add the user and remember credentials.