- 7
Not login when sign
#75 opened by Quentin-Attal - 0
Support Notify in C_OpenSession
#25 opened by gamringer - 7
Support AWS CloudHSM SDK 1.1.1 and later
#73 opened by natepage - 3
Exporting a public key/object from token.
#72 opened by Eric8658905 - 2
AWS Cloud HSM Support
#71 opened by elabuwa - 1
- 2
Exception thrown on propietary driver
#65 opened by pemedina - 2
How To Use On Windows ?
#64 opened by Heba10 - 7
How to use in Laravel application?
#60 opened by Matt561 - 2
Internal Server Error (0x00000007/CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD) PKCS#11 module error: Unable to encrypt [/website/test/***/Hsm.php:119]
#62 opened by majingsign - 14
- 5
Using ECDSA/RSA Signing?
#61 opened by InfinityMin3r - 22
[0.1.1] Seg fault in test suite
#37 opened by remicollet - 5
Module variable going out of scope causes open session to be broken and cause SegFault
#51 opened by Magentron - 5
0160-rsa-encrypt-pkcs - segfault with HSM
#39 opened by vjardin - 0
- 1
sources permissions
#21 opened by remicollet - 4
test failures - P11Object
#36 opened by vjardin - 4
Support C_WaitForSlotEvent()
#24 opened by gamringer - 2
- 1
tests: PHP11_PIN vs PHP11_SOPIN
#30 opened by vjardin - 1
[placeholder] minutes of Guillaume/Vincent's chat
#17 opened by vjardin - 0
Support overloading provided base classes
#23 opened by gamringer - 1
Build broken with PHP < 7.4
#20 opened by remicollet - 1
Test failure
#22 opened by remicollet - 2
getInfo() vs C_GetSessionInfo()
#11 opened by vjardin - 2
Need to freeTemplate() when returning early.
#3 opened by dcoombs