
Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Credits


The program available in this repository aims to allow user to manage books data.


you will first need to have Python and Git installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website: and git from

Once you have Python and Git installed, you can use the following steps to run the file:

Open a command prompt or terminal window.

Use the "git clone" command to download the file from GitHub:

git clone

Navigate to the directory where the file was downloaded. For example:

cd <repository>

Run the Python file using the "python" command. For example:

python <filename>.py

Dependencies required to run the program, may also need to install those using pip. You can install them by running the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Please make sure the requirements.txt file is present in the same directory where the script is located, also ensure to have internet connection as pip will download the dependencies from the internet.


The program should present the user with the following menu (in a while loop):

  1. Enter book: Allow user input of the book entry fields.
  2. Update book: Allow user to select the field that he wants to update and input the new value.
  3. Delete book: Delete selected item from the database.
  4. Search books: Allows the user to enter a book id and print the details of the book.
  5. Exit: Exit the program.


  • gamv335