
LibreOffice macros, templates, etc., for cryptocurrency trading spreadsheets

MIT LicenseMIT

LibreOffice Crypto Trading Tools

LibreOffice macros, templates, etc., for cryptocurrency trading spreadsheets

NOTE: This is a very early version, nothing here yet except for some functions for fetching trading pair prices from certain exchanges!

Usage and more information

Format as number, not as currency (since the equivalency is determined by the paired specified, not by the system's locale or currency cell formats).

Kraken (https://docs.kraken.com/rest/#operation/getTradableAssetPairs)


Coinbase (https://developers.coinbase.com/api/v2#get-spot-price)



(more providers and services to come)


Licensed under the MIT License as described in LICENSE.

Copyright (c) 2022 George Anastassakis (ganast@ganast.com)