RedeStiff is a R-based computational software for eastimation of tissue stiffness score based on ligand-receptors interaction from RNA-seq data. This tool was tested on various RNA-seq datasets across several sequencing platforms including bulk RNA-seq, Visium, slide-RNA-seq, Xenium and so on. RedeStiff was tested on Windows 11 and CentOS 7. Through RedeStiff, users can not only predict tissue stiffness score from RNA-seq data but also identify highly contributed ligand-receptors to tissue stiffness. RedeStiff could probably provide new molecular targeted therapy for different diseases.
Before running RedeStiff, the users require downloading the trained ligand-receptor (LR) weight list file from and providing expression matrix file in TPM values (Row:Gene, Column: Sample). In addition, output folder (result_dir) and the prefix name of reuslt files are required to input to RedeStiff.
step1: download LR weight list file
wget -c
step2: run RedeStiff
Alternatively, you can run RedeStiff by three stages:
exp_count <- read.delim(exp_file,header=T,row.names=1,check.names=F)
#step1:calculate LR score matrix
LR_sample_matrix <- calculate_LR_score(exp_count,train_LR_weight_file,parallel_flag='yes',cores=50)
sample_LR_matrix <- t(LR_sample_matrix)
save_sample_lr_matrix_file <- paste(result_dir,'/',prefix,'_sample_LR_score.txt',sep='')
LR_weights <- read.delim(train_LR_weight_file,header=T,check.names = F)
lr_weights <- LR_weights[,2]
names(lr_weights) <- as.character(LR_weights[,1])
#step2:calculate stiffness
data_result <- calculate_stiffness(save_sample_lr_matrix_file,lr_weights,result_dir,prefix)
data_result_file <- paste(result_dir,'/',prefix,'_stiffness_score.txt',sep='')
#step3:calculate LR contribution
data_result <- read.delim(data_result_file,header=T)
The required parameters are listed as follows:
- train_LR_weight_file: The trained LR weight table file in two colums, the first column represents LR pairs and the second column represents corresponding weight of the LR.
- exp_file: Gene expression matrix file of samples that user input (Row:Gene, Column: Sample).
- result_dir: The ouput folder of all results.
- prefix: the prefix name of reuslt files.
The optinal parameters are listed as follows:
parallel_flag: "‘yes’" (default) or "‘no’", "‘yes’" denotes multiple cores and "‘no’" denotes single core for calculaing LR score matrix;
cores: Number of cores to be used when doing parallel computing, default is "50".
The contents of the output directory include three files:
- <prefix>_sample_LR_score.txt: A matrix file that saves ligand-receptor scores where row represent samples, columns represent ligand-receptors and the values represent the product of the ligand and receptor TPM values in the sample.
- <prefix>_stiffness.txt: A table file in tab-delimited format that saves the predicted stiffness of each sample. The first column represents sample identifiers given by tpm_file and the second column represents the corresponding stiffness value.
- <prefix>_sample_LR_contribution.txt: A matrix file that saves ligand-receptor contribution scores where row represent samples, columns represent ligand-receptors and the values represent the corresponding contribution score.
We provide test files (GSE145429_tpm.txt) under "files". In addition, other files, codes and figures can be downloaded from