
The ToDoList project is a web-based task management application designed to help individuals and teams efficiently organize their daily tasks, activities, and projects.

ToDoList Project

About Project

The ToDoList project is a web-based task management application designed to help individuals efficiently organize their daily tasks.

Technology Stack

The ToDoList project is built using the following technologies:

  • Frontend: Twig, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5
  • Backend: PHP 8.2 with framework Symfony 6
  • Database: MariaDB


The ToDoList project is developed and maintained by the following team members:

  • Jakub Gancarczyk (main developer - fullstack)
  • Łukasz Stańczyk (mentor)

How to Run Locally

To run the ToDoList project locally on your machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine with command: git clone https://github.com/gancarczykjakub/ToDoList
  2. Navigate to the directory where the project is cloned. You can use command: cd ./ToDoList.
  3. Initiate your Symfony server by using the command symfony server:start.
  4. Open your web browser and launch the application at: http://localhost:8000.