Moneytory App


This application will help you to manage your income and outcome. Using Room Database to store all the income/outcome data, so you don't need internet connection to using this application, but if you clear the cache or data of this application, all you income/outcome will be gone.


  • Kotlin
  • Room Database
  • Recycler View

Current Features

  • Create outcome/income
  • Calculate all the income/outcome
  • Show all the income/outcome history
  • Detail outcome/income
  • Delete outcome/income
  • Edit outcome/income
  • Loader when fetching or submit data
  • Pie Chart for summary transaction

Next Features

  • Filter outcome/income by Date


  • Sometimes app will force close when delete the cashflow item


All the icon is generated from flat icon (

Pie Chart example

Grab the APK from this link below,


Screenshot Screenshot
Screenshot_2022-05-02-22-10-01-012_com example moneytrack Screenshot_2022-05-02-22-09-22-085_com example moneytrack
Screenshot_2022-05-02-22-09-17-823_com example moneytrack Screenshot_2022-05-02-22-09-15-744_com example moneytrack
Screenshot_2022-05-02-22-09-13-045_com example moneytrack Screenshot_2022-05-15-14-22-09-966_com example moneytrack
Screenshot_2022-05-16-20-18-00-190_com example moneytrack