Currency Convertor

I have deployed the application on heroku. You can review it here:

Currency Convertor is an application build with native Javascript and pure CSS (using LESS preprocessor) whose

  1. The base currency is configurable.

  2. Values updating in real time

  3. Using api for conversion rates Mininum api request used.

Steps to run the project:

  1. Download the project

  2. Install the dependencies

    npm install

  3. Build the app

    gulp build

  4. Run the app

    npm start

Launch your favorite browser and hit http://localhost:5000

Steps to run in development mode:

I am using native JS.

  1. Download the project.

  2. npm install

  3. gulp watch

    • It will build the project and would run a server using browserSync.

Technologies Used :-

Node JS ( version - 6.3.1 )
Vanilla Javascript
Less - Preprocessing css
Gulp - Task automation tool
NPM - to install dependencies defined in package.json