
SEM minor project codebase template

Primary LanguagePython

Project Template

This is a boilerplate project setup for you to get started! Feel free to customize/rename/delete anything 🙂

On the Structure

  • docs contains your project documentation (e.g. your planning meetings, but also any diagrams or requirements documents you would like to keep track of centrally).
  • project contains most Python source files and tests.
  • main.py is the entry point to your application, use it only to call/launch functionality from project.


  • Have Python 3 installed
  • Download and run PyCharm Education
  • Select Check out from Version Control > Git > enter your project GitLab project URL
  • Would you like to open the directory? > Yes
  • A couple of configurations once you're inside:
    • Go to File > Settings > Project > Project Interpreter > Show all > Add (+) > Virtualenv Environment > Select a version of Python as Base Interpreter > OK (3 times)
    • Go to File > Settings > Tools > Python Integrated Tools and change the default test runner to be pytest
    • Open requirements.txt, and in the yellow popup that appears, click on Install requirements


In PyCharm, run main.py by opening it and hitting the green play button.


To run all tests, right-click on the project/test folder and select Run 'pytest in test'. To run an individual test, click on the green play button next to it.

You can also do the same through the terminal (open it in PyCharm by clicking on Terminal in the lower toolbar - you may have to click on the icon in the bottom-left corner to reveal it):

pytest project


Run the following command (from within the PyCharm terminal) to record coverage:

pytest --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=project --cov-report=html project/test

The output goes into the htmlcov directory. You can view your coverage report by right-clicking on the index.html file in that directory and selecting Open in Browser!


Run pylint to check for code style violations by running the following command (from within the PyCharm terminal):

pylint project