
A nextjs app which uses the swapi api

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Swapi App

An nextjs and react native app which shows the movie and character listings of Star Wars using the swapi Graphql api.

The React Native Project(swapi-mobile) is part of git submodules. So when trying to clone the repo use the --recursive flag


git@github.com:ganes1410/swapi-next.git --recursive

Web Project setup

yarn install


yarn dev

Build for Production

yarn build

React Native Project setup

The React Native Project project is built with Expo. The code for it is under swapi-mobile submodule.

cd swapi-mobile

yarn install


yarn start

Live Demo deployed on Netlify

Features Implemented

  • Listing Pages for Movies and People section separated by tabs.
  • Details Pages for individual Movies and People.
  • All the pages are cached with DocumentCache, so the api calls do not happen on subsequent page visits.
  • Pagination of Planets Listing to fetch only 12 items at a time.
  • The above features are also completed on the mobile app except the pagination part.

Known issues / Pending Tasks

  • The Cached Pagination data of Planets Listing does not persist across mutliple routes. This happens because the react state does not know about the cached data on initial load. Could not find a solution for this in time.
  • Could not add tests for the app.

Packages / Frameworks Used

  • NextJS for building the react app.
  • Expo for building the react native app.
  • Urql as the graphl client.
  • Chakra UI for styling in the react app.
  • Graphql Code Gen for generating graphql types and hooks needed for the project.