
A sample Xamarin app showing live score capability with help of SignalR.

Primary LanguageC#


A sample Xamarin app showing live score capability with help of SignalR.


ASP.net Core 2.2 project used to manage teams and matches.

To Setup SQL Server on a mac/linux follow: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/quickstart-install-connect-docker?view=sql-server-2017


Team Id, Name

Match Id, Team1, Team2, ScoreTeam1, ScoreTeam2, Status

MatchStatus Upcoming, Live, Ended

MatchesController - API

API controller used to return list of matches and a single match

MatchesController - MVC

MVC controller of match CURD operations.

TeamController - MVC

MVC controller of team CURD operations.


SignalR hub which is used to join and remove clients when detail page of a match is opened. On editing the match, the same hub is used to send the score information to all the eligible clients.

LiveScore.Xam (.net standard 2.0)

A Xamarin app used to show the matches. The detail page of a match shows the live score and updates as soon as score is updated in the backend.

When detail page of a match is opened, client joins the group of a clients who are entitled to recieve score for it.