
This is simple music player android app

Primary LanguageJava


This is simple music player android app. Please contribute to the project. Please give your suggetions and contribute!! MainActivity playSong

  • add external storage permission in manifest
  • in build.gradle of app add dependency of dexter library for runtime permission
  • in dexter withcontent(this)
  • with permission(externl storage permission)
  • with listener(new permission listener) it will override 3 methods.
  1. onpermissiongranted():if permission granted what to do
  • create arraylist of mysongs and then give fetchsongs method returned songs in it
  • array of items create and addd names of all songs in this array
  • using for loop in items array remove mp3 from list
  • using arrayadapter(context,simplelist,string of items) display it
  • add onitemclicklistener on listview and using itent go to next playsong activity and send current song there as string using putextra
  • songlist,currentsong,position send to next activity and startactivity
  • create playsong activity
  • in manifest add parentactivityname so that back button comes up
  • create UI
  • using bundle get intent extras
  • create songs arraylist and get here using getParceblearraylist
  • song name as textcontent currentsong
  • and settext
  • add clicklistener on all three pause play next
  • take position from intent
  • creare uri of song uri
  • create mediaplayer and pass uri and start
  • create thread and using seekbar add listener to seekbar
  • mediaPlayer.seekTo(seekBar.getProgress()); //when user click on any part of seekbar then add progress and run thread and update seekbarduration of seekbar and mediaplayer duration in sync and setprogress of seekbar
  • seekbar max set to mediaplayer duration
  1. onPermissionDenied():
  2. onPermissionRationaleSouldBeShown(): if user denies permission and then again opens app then agaim request permission using permissionToekn.continuePermissionRequest();
  • create method fetch songs which will return public arraylist of type file

  • sdcard directory is File object

  • we use dynamic method dispatch

  • File type external storage url we are passing to this method

  • make File type array of songs which will list files of directory that we passed and go recursivly and show

  • add condition for null check

  • if directory is not hidden and if this is a directory then again to inside it and add songs

  • if not file is mp3 and it starts with. then add to arraylist and return our arraylist

  • so basically our method returns us all songs in folder