
Collbrative ToDo Application using firebase realtime databse

Primary LanguageJava

TODO APP - Collaboration

Collaboration ToDo android application using firebase real time database

#How to Run :

You need account on https://console.firebase.google.com/ create new android project with package tw.com.collbrativetodo and then download google-service.json file to your project app directoty

#Commits Details :(Each commit explains one concept from Firebase RealTime Database) 1.Store value from edit text to database.(391b5fc) 2.Child value change event listener for task.(785c3f0) 3.Tried Storing Integer where only String is Accepted.(5dee6f1) 4.Store Object as value.(74f8427) 5.Child added event with list view.(179043d) 6.Using persistence.(6998e7e)

Presentation : https://docs.google.com/a/thoughtworks.com/presentation/d/1GTOuHWbUNq7mg86_-Kg5Cs1F7qEa_sK5DYKJgtXf-hA/edit?usp=sharing