
book selling website

Primary LanguagePug


book selling website

how to run this file

install in terminal nodejs command is - get apt install nodejs

fist in terminal install moongodb command - get apt install moongodb

second in terminal install pug command is - get apt install pug

thirt in terminal install express command is - get apt install express

forth in terminal install npm command is - get apt install npm

fifth in termina linstall node command is = get apt install node

how to check uper packg all are installed

npm -v //this is tells that npm version it mines npm is install thes all process of other module open in terminal in vistual studo

node app.js //this is most comand to rune node appliction //this is runing on server to open browser to run localhost:portnumber //port number like 500,8000,80,1080 etc

finaly you website runing in bowser


look like this

Screenshot (39)