
Eco-G is a two player game which not only provides fun, also helps you think about the sustainability, And puts conscious thought in your mind regarding our environment.

In Game you have to make quick decisions to score points but there's a interesting part

We have Multiple Sources Like

  • Green Doctor, creates awareness about Trees.
  • Aqua Revive, creates awareness about Water.
  • Energy Shift, creates awareness about Renewable Energy.
  • Eco-Life, creates awareness about using Recyclable things.

Inside each Stage, we you'll get 2-mode

Easy Mode:

  • Finish levels within 30 seconds.
  • Accumulate +1 point for each Positive Item.
  • No Negative Points in Easy Mode.
  • Gather Positive Items by dragging them to your side.

Hard Mode:

  • Finish levels within 1 minute.
  • Collect +1 point for each Positive Item.
  • Negative Items deduct -1 points, push them to another person.
  • Gather Positive Items by dragging them to your side.

Android app link
