gangov's Following
- AeroRustExtraterrestrial
- bee-sanN/A
- Daanvdplas@r0gue-io
- DangerousPrototypesDangerous Prototypes
- DrW3RK@Web3Foundation
- elpiel@LechevSpace @AeroRust @Stremio
- ethanfreyBerlin, Germany
- fermyon
- FourThievesVinegarEverywhere
- fu5ha@EmbarkStudios
- ggerganov@ggml-org
- graydonVancouver, BC
- inkdevhub
- itsfoss
- JakeHartnellDAOs
- kavehtehrani
- koute@paritytech
- Kylix-FinanceSingapore
- niyannxStudent at Professional High School of Computing and Technology Systems - Pravets
- NoahSaso@DA0-DA0
- ossu
- paritytechLondon
- PatrickAlphaCCyfrin
- peaqnetworkGermany
- Polkadot-Blockchain-Academy
- polkadot-developers
- Polkadot-Heroes
- RotfuksBerlin, Germany
- sacha-lMonde
- SchwarzITNeckarsulm, Germany
- shawntabrizi@paritytech
- sinzii@dedotdev
- sylvain101010New York, NY
- the-nix-way
- w3f
- wikihouseproject