
how to install wordpress in directadmin


##How to install wordpress in directadmin


  • Enter the URL http://domain.com:2222/ ( this is the default port for DirectAdmin access ).

  • If you are Administrator, you could see the User Level in your right panel, if you are normal user, you could see the MySQL Databases icon there.

  • Click on MySQL Management, If you are Administrator.

  • Click Create a Database.


  • cd /home/DAuser/domains/domain.com/public_html

  • wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz

  • tar -zvxf latest.tar.gz

  • mv ./wordpress/* ./

  • rmdir wordpress

  • cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

  • vi wp-config.php


Enter http://domain.com/ in your browser then the step will bring you install to finish.

###publick_html page?

  • cd /home/DAuser/domains/domain.com/public_html/

  • mv public.html public.htmlback