
Some publicly shared app ideas. Sharing some (not all) of my best app ideas. Because I could not be able to make them all.

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Some publicly shared app ideas


  • [ ] Make https://templates.netlify.com/ dynamic and filterable.

  • Fourth Dimension (AKA "Timeline", the real TL)

    • 3D based timeline, allowing you to travel in the 4th Dimension. Useful for representing historic events, or any event. Milestones can be images, videos, texts, a combination of them..., another timeline (time travel).
  • Static uptime robot (Currently disabled because it was eating all my build minutes on Netlify [$$], but still functional):

    • Make use of lambda functions to fetch a configurable site from the cloud and respond if the site is "up and running". Uses a cron job to update its status. Currently reduced its frequency to once per month due to building costs in the Netlify CD pipes. Left as a usage showcase of Netlify Functions + scheduled Github Actions. Source
  • App that creates apps that create apps, for money of course. Keep adding levels.

  • "vault", safe password management for freelance clients.

  • Crops calendar, and seasonal vegetables. Location-based. I'm sure there are similar apps out there. Ability to create your plants calendar.

  • "Can I Mix", like caniuse but comparing 2 or more features. It auto-highlights the intersection between them.

  • PipeApp. Actually I got the idea from Surma. An app that acts like the *nix pipe, but also like functional pipes. Using the Share Target API, accept any type of data and return any type of data. The trick is to make it customizable what it does in between. There could also be plugins, like: accept markdown file and return html. Or accept a URL and return a screenshot of the page... The executed code runs in an isolated scope for security reasons.

  • ChronoSport. An app with configurable chronometers for working out. I usually miss the ability to set milestones in a timer so I get notified at specific times.


  • Odds api. /api/1/10/-3: translated into 1*10^-3 things that you have those odds to happen to you.


  • Create a animated series videos: "muppettps" (or "httpets"), SVG animated videos explaining internet-related and web developmetn stuff.

Browser extensions

  • A browser extension that "highlights" parts of the content of a page that have been generated by an AI, with some certainty (different highlight colours for different levels of certainty?). Users need to provide their own OpenAI API KEY for it to work (I'm not paying).


  • idea representation language. Diagram-like language to represent an idea.