
A fork of the Portilla and Simoncelli texture synthesis code

Primary LanguageMATLAB

textureSynth: a texture synthesis package for Matlab

This is a fork of the texture synthesis code by Javier Portilla and Eero Simoncelli:

This package contains MatLab code for analyzing and synthesizing digital image of visual texture. The algorithm is described in the references given at the bottom of this document. Further information, as well the most recent versions of the code, are available at


Incremental changes to the code are documented in the ChangeLog file.

Written by Javier Portilla and Eero Simoncelli, 1999-2000.

Comments/Suggestions/Bugs to: javier@decsai.ugr.es eero.simoncelli@nyu.edu


  1. download and unpack the code. You can put the code anywhere on your system, but we'll assume it's in a directory named "textureSynth".

  2. download and unpack the matlabPyrTools package from http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/software.html This is a collection of tools for multi-scale decomposition of images. You can put the code anywhere on your system, but we'll assume it's in a directory named "matlabPyrTools".

  3. Run matlab, and put the matlabPyrTools directory in your path:

    path('matlabPyrTools', path);

  4. Both the textureSynth and matlabPyrTools distributions include a MEX subdirectory containing binary executables, precompiled for various platforms (SunOS,Solaris,Linux,Windows). You may need to recompile these on your platform. In addition, you should either move the relavent files from the MEX subdirectory into the main directory, OR create a link/alias to them, OR place the MEX subdirectory in your matlab path.


  • To see a demonstration, start Matlab, change directories (using "cd") into the textureSynth directory, and execute "example1" (without the quotations).

  • If you want to learn how to use the texture analysis and synthesis functions, take a look at example1.m and example2.m (these include many explanatory comments).

  • For a listing of matlab function included in this package, execute "help textureSynth"

  • For details on any of the functions, execute "help <name_of_function>"


J Portilla and E P Simoncelli. A Parametric Texture Model based on Joint Statistics of Complex Wavelet Coefficients. Int'l Journal of Computer Vision. 40(1):49-71, October, 2000. http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/ABSTRACTS/portilla99-abstract.html

J Portilla and E P Simoncelli Texture Modeling and Synthesis using Joint Statistics of Complex Wavelet Coefficients. IEEE Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision, Fort Collins, CO, 22 June 1999. http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/ABSTRACTS/portilla99a-abstract.html

J Portilla and E P Simoncelli. Texture Representation and Synthesis Using Correlation of Complex Wavelet Coefficient Magnitudes. Technical Report #54, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid. 29 March 1999. http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/ABSTRACTS/portilla98-abstract.html

E P Simoncelli and J Portilla. Texture Characterization via Joint Statistics of Wavelet Coefficient Magnitudes. In 5th IEEE Int'l Conf on Image Processing. Chicago, IL. Oct 4-7, 1998. http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/ABSTRACTS/simoncelli98b-abstract.html