Primary LanguagePython



This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper "Characters as graphs: Interpretable handwritten Chinese character recognition via Pyramid Graph Transformer" (authored by Ji Gan, Yuyan Chen, Bo Hu, Jiaxu Leng∗, Weiqiang Wang, and Xinbo Gao.* )

PyGT (Pyramid Graph Transformer) proposes to represent handwritten characters as skeleton graphs and furhter processes the graph-structured characters by integrating the advantages of Transformers and graph convolutional networks.

Overview of PyGT

Overview of PyGT

Installation & requirements

The current version of the code has been tested with the following environment:

  • Ubuntu 20 or 22
  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 1.11.0
  • Pytorch_geometric 2.0.4

To use the code, download the repository and change into it:

git https://github.com/ganji15/PyGT-HCCR.git

cd PyGT

For online & offline handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR), You need to applicant the HCCR dataset from http://www.nlpr.ia.ac.cn/databases/handwriting/download.html and then extract the handwriting samples. For convenience, here we provide the processed graph data for HCCR including on_hccr.zip, off_hccr.zip, and gen_off_hccr.zip, which should be extracted and put the extracted folder into the ./data/ directory.


Training PyGT on MNIST with Single-GPU

sh ./scripts/mnist_train.sh


python train.py --net-id lenet --epochs 40 --dataset mnist --workers 4 --batch-size 128 --lr 0.001 --in-features 3 --gpu-id 0

Training PyGT on Online HCC dataset with Multi-GPUs

sh ./scripts/on_hccr_train.sh

Training PyGT on Offline HCC dataset with Multi-GPUs

sh ./scripts/off_hccr_train.sh

Boost Offline HCCR witch Online Samples with Multi-GPUs

sh ./scripts/boost_off_hccr_train.sh

On-the-fly plots during training

With this code it is possible to track progress during training with on-the-fly plots. This feature requires Tensorboard, which should be started from the command line:

tensorboard --logdir=./runs

The tensorboard server is now alive and can be accessed at http://localhost:6006.


If you find our research is helpful, please remember to cite our paper:

title = {Characters as graphs: Interpretable handwritten Chinese character recognition via Pyramid Graph Transformer},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
volume = {137},
pages = {109317},
year = {2023},
issn = {0031-3203},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2023.109317},
author = {Ji Gan and Yuyan Chen and Bo Hu and Jiaxu Leng and Weiqiang Wang and Xinbo Gao},


PyGT is free for academic research purposes.