This bot automates the process of logging into multiple accounts, claiming free tickets, completing quests, and playing games. It is designed to interact with the EmojiApp API.
- Login to multiple accounts
- Claim free tickets
- Complete daily, one-time, and special quests
- Play games until all tickets are used
- Random User-Agent selection to avoid detection
First, clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
cd emoji
The project already contains a package.json file with the necessary dependencies. To install them, run:
npm install
The bot needs a queryId to log in. Here’s how you can retrieve it:
Open the Telegram WebApp (or the app you are working with). Open your browser's Developer Tools (usually F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I). Go to the Console tab. Paste the following code:
- Create a file named hash.txt in the project root directory.
- Paste each queryId (one per line) into hash.txt.
To start the bot, simply run:
node index.js