
A demo webapp using NextJS with tRPC (w microservices dependencies)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Example NextJS app w/ tRPC

This is a demo project to utilize tRPC to demonstrate communications not just between server side and front facing side of SSR apps, also between microservices in a monorepo.

Project structure

The project is mainly divided into 2 directories,webapp for front-facing Webapp and the API for microservice for proxying an external API. Each has a corresponding Dockerfile for ease of development and later deployments. Additionally, this project has Postgres DB dependency.

For local dev, I've set up an docker configs defined in docker-compose.yaml file. In this file, I've listed all the environment variables used throughout the project.


1. API (micro-service) to proxy external API

The simple API server for proxying an external API url to be defined in PROXY_API_URL environment variable.


import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
import { createExpressMiddleware } from '@trpc/server/adapters/express';
const appRouter = t.router({
  fetchRecords: t.procedure
    .query(async ({ input }) => {
      if (!PROXY_API_URL) return [];
      return await Promise.all(
          .map(() => fetch(PROXY_API_URL).then((response) => response.json()))

2. Postgres DB

Postgres db is used with Prisma ORM. It then adds tRPC and it's a dream come true ;)

In this project, I set up only one table (TestRecord) to store records fetched from the external api. The schema is defined in ./webapp/prisma/schema.prisma

model TestRecord {
  id                   String   @id @default(cuid())
  client_id            String
  date_testing         DateTime @db.Date
  gender               Int


  created_at           DateTime @default(now())

  @@map(name: "test_records")


This is a Next.js-based full-stack app utilizing tRPC for type-safe communication between back-end, front-end and an additional API microservice from the above section.

Tech Stack

Set environment variables in .env file

# .env file

Webapp -> API Microservice Communications

To enable tRPC communications between the API microservice, I have used mono-repo deliberately, so that I can import tRPC router types named ExtApiRouter from ./api/api.ts.

// ./webapp/src/utils/ext-api.ts
import { createTRPCClient, httpBatchLink } from '@trpc/client';
import type { ExtApiRouter } from '../../../api/api';

export const extApiClient = createTRPCClient<ExtApiRouter>({
  links: [
      url: process.env.API_TRPC_URL ?? `http://localhost:3005/trpc`,

Further Improvement Ideas

  • Integrate npm's workspace to better structure the monorepo
  • Add a separate table for user details
  • Add test cases
  • Add pagination to webapp

Local Demo:

This project is set up using Docker Compose. To try this demo on your local dev env it only requires running docker instance and docker compose up. If you want to change ports and other env variables, take a look at the ./docker-compose.yml file.

docker compose up

Open http://localhost:8082

Live Demo:

For the live demo, I have set up a Vercel deployment with a Postgres DB instance provided by Vercel.
