Node.js Express & MongoDB: CRUD Rest APIs

This is a demo tutorial for setting up MEVN stack based on the following example:

Node.js, Express & MongoDb: Build a CRUD Rest Api example

Project structure

Project is mainly divided into 2 directories,webapp for front-facing Webapp and api for back-end API. Each has and corresponding Dockerfile for ease of development and later deployments.

  1. The Webapp is built using Vue 3. It follows Bezdocker vue example closely. Only it was upgraded to the latest Vue.

    For local dev, I've set up and docker container based Mongodb server defined in docker-compose.yaml file

image: mongo:5.0.2
restart: unless-stopped
env_file: ./.env
  - db:/data/db
  - backend


  1. The API/Back-end is built using ExpressJS likewise closely following the example mentioned above.

Extended dev

  • Added a button for approving a tutorial from the tutorials list view.
  • Added the 'Generate tutorials' button for generating 10 random tutorials and added it to the db.
  • Added improved search capability by adding text index for full-text search
  • Partially added fuzzy search by using the external library mongoose-fuzzy-searching. It was not working as expected. It needs more time.

Further development Ideas

  • Add test cases
  • Add loading indicator on the webapp
  • Improve searching (Performance analysis on text indexing on MongoDB)
  • Finish fuzzy searching

Local Demo:

This project is set up using Docker Compose. To try this demo on your local dev env it only requires running docker instance and docker compose up. .env files are included in the source for easier demonstrations. It should not be included publicly like this.

docker compose up

Live Demo:

For the live demo, I have set up a Vercel deployment with MongoDB atlas db.