Super Power GraphQL Backend
This is a Super Power GraphQL Backend with Prisma and Typescript
🤷🏽 Why?
This is a production ready for a modern architecture with Typescript, GraphQL and Prisma.
Leave REST API behind forever.
🚀 Features
🛰 Express and Apollo Server;💅 Typescript;🐳 Docker with:🐘 Postgres;
🔼 Prisma 2- Real World Schema example;
- Auto-generated resolvers
- Easy to include custom resolvers
✅ No REST included
⚡️ Getting started
Up the docker-compose
$ docker-compose up
Generate the prisma
$ yarn prisma generate
Push the model to database
$ yarn prisma db push --preview-feature
Start the server
$ yarn dev
🌐 Open the/playground
on browser