
Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API

Primary LanguageScala

Swagger Core library

Build Status

The github wiki contains documentation, samples, etc. Start there

Where to get help!

Search the swagger google groups for previously asked questions. Join #swagger on irc.freenode.net to talk to interesting human beings. And if you find a bug, file it in github:


This is a project to build the swagger-core library, which is required for the Wordnik implementation of the Swagger spec. You can find out more about both the spec and the framework at http://swagger.wordnik.com. For more information about Wordnik's APIs, please visit http://developer.wordnik.com.

Version history

v1.3.0-RC1 Jul-2 2013

Source lives in the 1.3-RC1 branch!

  • - Release candidate for swagger-spec 1.2
  • - Pluggable readers for scanning classes, model introspection, config reading
  • - Simplified overriding of model introspection
  • - Support for consumes, produces, protocols, authentications
  • - oAuth support in spec
  • - Support for raw servlet integration
  • - Resource, operation, model property ordering
  • - Polymorphic model support

    v1.2.5 Jun-19 2013

  • - Fixes for generic objects

    v1.2.4 Jun-5 2013

  • - Fixed `@Api` paths with slashes
  • - Added support for model detection with deep recursion (#176)
  • - i18n support (#190)
  • - Master is now `stable`

    v1.2.3 Apr-24 2013

  • - Updated to Jackson 2.1.4
  • - Fix for generics as input/output values
  • - Add manual model definitions

    v1.2.2 Apr-8 2013

    v1.2.0 Nov-27 2012

  • - Updated listing path to /api-docs.json
  • - Moved swagger-play2 and swagger-play2-utils to maven central

    v1.1.0 Aug-22 2012

  • - Spec [clarifications](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/wiki/Changelog)
  • - Updated to Jackson 2.0.x, added sample with [scala case classes](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/tree/master/samples/scala-jaxrs-jackson2)
  • - Play 2.0.2 supported
  • - Pluggable model processor, added configurable package introspection
  • - Feature parity between JAX-RS & Play 2, java, scala
  • - Made .{format} [configurable](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/tree/master/samples/scala-jaxrs-no-format), see [here](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/blob/master/samples/scala-jaxrs-no-format/src/main/scala/com/wordnik/swagger/sample/Bootstrap.scala#L24)
  • - Added support for alternate resource listing, examples in [scala](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/tree/master/samples/scala-alt-resource-listing) and [java](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/tree/master/samples/java-alt-resource-listing)
  • - Moved swagger spec to github [wiki](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/wiki)

    v1.01 Jan-31 2012

  • - Transitioned build to Maven
  • - Removed jaxrs dependencies from swagger-core
  • - Moved sample server implementations into /samples directory
  • - Added support for alternate API listing paths
  • - Made .{format} optional
  • - Added crazy scala versioning into artifact names (Scala 2.8.1 => ${artifact}_2.8.1)
  • - Added test and integration test through default maven integration-test lifecycle
  • v1.0 Aug-10 2011

  • - Initial release of swagger
  • Pre-release versions will be suffixed with SNAPSHOT and RC appropriately. If you want the release version, please grab it by tag (i.e. v1.0 for the release)


    You need the following installed and available in your $PATH:

  • - Java 1.6 or greater (http://java.oracle.com)
  • - Apache maven 3.0.3 or greater (http://maven.apache.org/)
  • - Scala 2.9.1-1 [available here](http://www.scala-lang.org). Note that 2.9.1 has a defect which causes problems with Jax-RS

    To build from source (currently 1.2.4)

    # first time building locally
    mvn -N

    Subsequent builds:

    mvn install

    This will build the modules and sample apps.

    Of course if you don't want to build locally you can grab artifacts from maven central:


    Sample Apps

    There are a number of sample apps in the samples folder:

    java-jaxrs Java-based swagger server with JAX-RS

    scala-jaxrs Scala-based swagger server with JAX-RS

    java-alt-resource-listing Scala-based swagger server with JAX-RS with an alternate resource listing scheme

    scala-alt-resource-listing Scala-based swagger server with JAX-RS with an alternate resource listing scheme

    scala-jaxrs-apm Scala-based swagger server using wordnik-oss utils for Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

    To run a sample app after initial compile:

    # run scala-jaxrs sample app
    cd samples/scala-jaxrs
    mvn jetty:run

    And the Play2 samples:

    java-play2 Java-based Play2 sample app

    scala-play2 Scala-based Play2 sample app

    scala-play2-no-format Scala-based Play2 sample app without the .{format} in resource listing

    To run the Play2 sample apps:

    cd samples/java-play2
    play run


    Copyright 2013 Reverb Technologies, Inc.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.