Machine learning TDD example.


This is a baseline framework for wrapping custom machine learning and deep learning models for the lending tabular dataset. The wrapper model has fit, predict, predict_proba and evaluate methods following the scikit-learn model api.

The model's tune_parameters method does hyperparameter tuning on selected model parameters using the Optuna library.

The wrapper validates the schema defining the data and underlying model parameters before training and prediction using pydantic and pandera. This allows for property based testing using hypothesis and run time data validation.

This baseline framework can be extended to deep learning models developed using pytorch and pytorch-lightning. The performance of these models can be compared to models from scikit-learn.

Setup environment and install libraries:

Assuming python, pip and virtualenv are installed on the system.

Clone repository:

git clone

cd ml-tdd-example

Useconda and pip-tools:

Use conda to setup a python environment for CUDA and MKL optimized packages and pip-tools to manage python dependencies.

To install CUDA toolkit: make conda-gpu

To install Without CUDA: make conda-cpu

Use pip-tools to install python dependencies:

make pip-tools


Setup python environment:

On Linux and Mac:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv --prompt ml_wrapper

Activate the environment:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

Install the package:

pip install -e .

Preprocessing and encoding steps:

  1. The columns emp_length contains na values. These are considered as not available and replaced with the value -1.0.
  2. NaN values in columns are replaced with -1.0 in both categorical and numerical columns.
  3. Assuming all categories in the column purpose_cat represent small business based categories. For example, the column purpose_cat contains values equal to small business and small business small business. The preprocessing code changes small business small business values to small business. This increases the count of small business.
  4. Numerical columns are scaled using the MinMaxScaler class from scikit-learn.
  5. Categorical columns are converted to one hot encoded columns using the scikit-learn OneHotEncoder.
  6. The input dataframe is split into a dataframe of features X and a 1D numpy array of target values y.
  7. Preprocessing functions are located in



  • Model inherits from an abstract base class called BaseWrapperModel.
  • The BaseWrapperModel is a template that defines the functional requirements of the model using abstract methods.

Underlying model:

  • LogisticRegression from the scikit-learn library is chosen as the underlying model.
  • The baseline model has an elastic net penalty. This allows for adjusting l1 regularization strength in relation to l2 regularization.

Tuning parameters:

  • Three model parameters can be tuned, these are C, max_iter and l1_ratio.
  • Hyper parameters are defined as custom pydantic types.
  • OptunaSearchCV is used for performing cross validation during model training:
    • Hyper-parameter sampling is done using optuna.distributions.
    • f1-score is used as the tuning objective.
    • The type of cross validation is RepeatedStratifiedKfold when n_repeats > 0 otherwise it is StratifiedKFold.
    • After cross-validation the model is refit with the best parameters from the study and saved into the models directory.
  • The output of tune_parameters is a dictionary containing the best search parameters and corresponding scores.

Unit Tests

Hypothesis was used for writing parametrized schema tests in combination with pydantic and pandera.

The model inputs are validated by schemas defined using pydantic. The dataset features have to be checked to ensure that the model makes predictions on data that originates from the same data generating process as the training data. The pandera library makes it possible to do schema validation in combination with statistical validation. It also allows for synthesising data for testing. img.png References: