Elective course for the Data Science and Scientific Computing M.Sc. programme @ University of Trieste
Lecturer: Fabio Anselmi (email: fabio.anselmi@units.it
Lab 3: Deep Learning with
(not an actual exercise notebook; already "solved"!) -
Lab 4a: Effect of data augmentation on learned weights (solved)
Lab 4b: Invariance in a shallow FCN under data augmentation (solved)
Lab 6: The Hubel-Wiesel model for cortical networks (solved)
Lab 8: Implicit bias of gradient descent in linear regression (solved)
Challenge 1: An analytical perambulation around FashionMNIST
Challenge 2: Discovering Symmetries in Data
Please, fill the (very short) Final Projects form as soon as possible, to receive early feedback on the exam project! Thanks!