
pipePYRUS: A simple tool that seamlessly converts scanned book pages into editable text, bridging the gap between paper archives and digital data


pipePYRUS Logo


pipePYRUS is a document digitization and transcription tool designed to convert scanned book pages into editable, digital text. This tool streamlines the process of turning physical documents into accessible and modifiable digital formats.

Workflow Diagram (Mermaid)

graph LR
    A["Upload PDF: Scan of Book"] --> B["Convert to PNG: Page by Page"]
    B --> C["Select Relevant Pages: Skip Blank Pages"]
    C --> D["Transcript Text: Format Text"]
    D --> E["Transcription Progress Screen: Handle Errors"]
    E --> F["View Extracted Text"]


Upload Endpoint

  • POST /upload
    • Description: Receives and stores the PDF file.

PDF to PNG Conversion Endpoint

  • POST /convert
    • Description: Converts the PDF into individual PNG images for each page.

Pages Selection Endpoint

  • GET /pages
    • Description: Returns a list of PNG images for review.
  • POST /pages/select
    • Description: Receives the identifiers of the selected pages for transcription.

Transcription Initiation Endpoint

  • POST /transcribe
    • Description: Initiates text extraction and formatting from selected images.

Transcription Status Endpoint

  • GET /transcription/status
    • Description: Returns the status of the transcription process.

Extracted Text Retrieval Endpoint

  • GET /transcription/{id}
    • Description: Returns the extracted and formatted text.

Error Handling Endpoint

  • GET /transcription/errors
    • Description: Returns any errors encountered during transcription.

Getting Started

To get started with pipePYRUS, clone this repository and follow the setup instructions in the documentation.


Contributions to pipePYRUS are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines for more information.


pipePYRUS is released under the MIT License.