- 3
- 2
Comments component does not show up on Xenon Theme
#3301 opened by liviupr - 0
Missing translation on Wordpress gantry5/platforms/common/translations/en/platform.yaml
#3302 opened by fyildiz1974 - 1
PHP 8.x Causes Gantry to Fail
#3300 opened by thekenshow - 0
How to override _breakpoints.scss for Joomla?
#3299 opened by lipatovroman - 1
How to disable compiling of CSS files?
#3294 opened by lipatovroman - 1
grav v1.7.48 admin panel dont have gantry5 tab, and cant access to the template
#3296 opened by WuanDuc - 2
Centering or Clearing Container
#3286 opened by paulinohio - 3
Wordpress: can not save Global page settings.
#3290 opened by designzwang - 1
Custom Archive Twig File not working
#3297 opened by cesarvelame - 2
Pagehandler issue with Hikashop
#3284 opened by JeroenZandvliet - 2
How to get current view in page_head.html.twig
#3295 opened by lipatovroman - 2
Flexible responsive grid in Gantry5?
#3292 opened by lipatovroman - 7
- 0
The active class is not added to aliases
#3293 opened by lipatovroman - 0
Wordpress plugin compatibility issues
#3291 opened by Wicko-Design - 1
WooCommerce shop is not showing products in gantry 5
#3288 opened by SOE-Grace - 5
Menu not displaying on 404 error page
#3289 opened by paulinohio - 4
Align top particles - Placement of items
#3285 opened by paulinohio - 0
Whitespace characters added before <!DOCTYPE html> in gravcms with helium template
#3287 opened by vangogs - 4
#3281 opened by peter1szalatnay - 21
Helium font color at theme
#3276 opened by nkorop - 1
multilanguage site menu with offcanvas
#3282 opened by nadjak77 - 2
Grav 1.8.0 beta 1 update : Gantry 5 plugin not working
#3279 opened by svatas - 1
icon class in menu not shown
#3269 opened by nadjak77 - 1
Joomla 5 compatibility error
#3270 opened by mapexer - 0
Error when checking the menu item - [image] field
#3271 opened by universewrld - 0
Errors when checking [fonts]
#3272 opened by universewrld - 3
Errors when checking [JS]/[CSS] loading
#3273 opened by universewrld - 2
- 2
SVG images are not displayed correctly on some pages
#3277 opened by universewrld - 11
System text in <legend> tag is not visible
#3278 opened by universewrld - 17
Font Awesome 6.6.0
#3267 opened by universewrld - 0
Hydrogen 5.5.19 | J5.2 File Overrite Check
#3274 opened by Dave-Skye - 2
- 5
Bootstrap accordion not working
#3263 opened by lipatovroman - 3
The icon (three lines) does not appear in the Mobile Menu
#3265 opened by msterna - 0
- 0
how to create override theme.php
#3262 opened by sabersaberi2 - 0
Gear icon in particle settings has disappeared
#3261 opened by ScouterAndy - 0
ver 5.5.19 used in hydrogen-5 them
#3260 opened by idfornext - 2
Font awesome problem
#3258 opened by nadjak77 - 0
Psr compatibility
#3259 opened by Schnok - 3
- 0
Changelog in bad format
#3257 opened by pmoreno-rodriguez - 0
Which version of Gantry 5 started to comply with a stricter Content Security Policy (CSP) without being affected by the removal of 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval'?
#3255 opened by manda-liu - 0
IMMUNIFY-360 RULE ISSUE Affecting the InfoList Particle
#3252 opened by wgtnweb - 0
Adding a Custom HTML Sheet to Gantry5 on Wordpress
#3251 opened by Wintau00 - 0
pageblock head_top & pageblock head_meta , do not work in particles (at least in WP)
#3250 opened by joomlabeat - 1