
A wrapper script to make running Molecule easier

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Molecule Wrapper


A wrapper script (in the spirit of the Grade Wrapper) to make installing/running Molecule easier.

Note: this script currently only works on Linux.


In the root of your Ansible role run the following to install the wrapper:

wget 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gantsign/molecule-wrapper/master/moleculew' -O moleculew \
    && chmod 'u+x' moleculew

Tab completion and alias for Zsh

To enable tab-completion support and add an alias so you can run the wrapper using molecule follow these instructions.


Molecule has a lot of dependencies, some of which you'll need root privileges to install.

When you run the molecule wrapper for the first time it will attempt to install the following:

If you don't have root privileges see using system dependencies.


You can run any Molecule command directly using the wrapper e.g.:

./moleculew test

By default Molecule Wrapper runs using the latest versions of Python, Ansible, Molecule, YamlLint, Ansible Lint, Flake8 and Testinfra.

You can also specify particular versions by passing command line arguments or setting environment variables:

Additional options:
  --ansible VERSION          Use the specified version of Ansible
  --molecule VERSION         Use the specified version of Molecule
  --python VERSION           Use the specified version of Python
  --yamllint VERSION         Use the specified version of YamlLint
  --ansible-lint VERSION     Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  --flake8 VERSION           Use the specified version of Flake8
  --testinfra VERSION        Use the specified version of Testinfra
  --use-system-dependencies  Use system dependencies

Environment variables:
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE       Use the specified version of Ansible
  MOLECULEW_MOLECULE      Use the specified version of Molecule
  MOLECULEW_PYTHON        Use the specified version of Python
  MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT      Use the specified version of YamlLint
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT  Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  MOLECULEW_FLAKE8        Use the specified version of Flake8
  MOLECULEW_TESTINFA      Use the specified version of Testinfra
  MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM    Use system dependencies (true/false)

The version may be a valid version number, latest to use the latest available version, or default to use the frozen version (if set) or otherwise use the latest version (i.e. the same effect as not specifying the option).

The above command line arguments take preference over environment variables.


./moleculew --python 3.6.6 test

Freezing versions

You can freeze the dependency versions by running the following command:

./moleculew wrapper-freeze

You can also specify versions when freezing the dependencies:

./moleculew --python 3.6.6 wrapper-freeze

Note: any version you specify as a command line argument when running Molecule will override the frozen version of that dependency.

Using system dependencies

If you don't have root privileges but you already have the necessary dependencies installed you can uses those dependencies by specifying --use-system-dependencies:


./moleculew --use-system-dependencies test

Required dependencies:

The remaining dependencies don't require root privileges and will be installed if necessary.

This can also be useful for CI builds where you want to save time by using existing binaries.

Command line reference


Displays the current dependency versions being used:

  --ansible VERSION          Use the specified version of Ansible
  --molecule VERSION         Use the specified version of Molecule
  --python VERSION           Use the specified version of Python
  --yamllint VERSION         Use the specified version of YamlLint
  --ansible-lint VERSION     Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  --flake8 VERSION           Use the specified version of Flake8
  --testinfra VERSION        Use the specified version of Testinfra
  --use-system-dependencies  Use the system version of Python

Environment variables:
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE       Use the specified version of Ansible
  MOLECULEW_MOLECULE      Use the specified version of Molecule
  MOLECULEW_PYTHON        Use the specified version of Python
  MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT      Use the specified version of YamlLint
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT  Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  MOLECULEW_FLAKE8        Use the specified version of Flake8
  MOLECULEW_TESTINFA      Use the specified version of Testinfra
  MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM    Use system dependencies (true/false)

The version may be a valid version number, latest to use the latest available version, or default to use the frozen version (if set) or otherwise display the latest version (i.e. the same effect as not specifying the option).

The above command line arguments take preference over environment variables.


./moleculew wrapper-versions


Freezes the dependency versions being used:

  --ansible VERSION          Use the specified version of Ansible
  --molecule VERSION         Use the specified version of Molecule
  --python VERSION           Use the specified version of Python
  --yamllint VERSION         Use the specified version of YamlLint
  --ansible-lint VERSION     Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  --flake8 VERSION           Use the specified version of Flake8
  --testinfra VERSION        Use the specified version of Testinfra
  --use-system-dependencies  Use the system version of Python

Environment variables:
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE       Use the specified version of Ansible
  MOLECULEW_MOLECULE      Use the specified version of Molecule
  MOLECULEW_PYTHON        Use the specified version of Python
  MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT      Use the specified version of YamlLint
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT  Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  MOLECULEW_FLAKE8        Use the specified version of Flake8
  MOLECULEW_TESTINFA      Use the specified version of Testinfra
  MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM    Use system dependencies (true/false)

The version may be a valid version number, latest to freeze to the latest available version, or default to keep the frozen version (if set) or otherwise freeze at the current latest version (i.e. the same effect as not specifying the option).

The above command line arguments take preference over environment variables.


./moleculew wrapper-freeze

To upgrade one (or more) of the versions specify the options as follows:

./moleculew --ansible latest --molecule 2.16.0 wrapper-freeze


Un-freezes the dependency versions:


./moleculew wrapper-unfreeze


Upgrades any frozen dependency versions to the latest version and freezes all dependency versions:


./moleculew wrapper-upgrade-versions


Removes all the virtual environments created by Molecule Wrapper. The virtual environments can use up quite a bit of storage over time so you should run this periodically e.g. every few months.


./moleculew wrapper-clean


Displays the current version of the wrapper script.


./moleculew wrapper-version


Upgrades the Molecule Wrapper to the latest version.


./moleculew wrapper-upgrade


Installs Molecule (if necessary). You don't need to use this because the other commands will run the install if they need to. This is included for CI environments where you might want to separate the console output for the install from the Molecule output.

  --ansible VERSION          Use the specified version of Ansible
  --molecule VERSION         Use the specified version of Molecule
  --python VERSION           Use the specified version of Python
  --yamllint VERSION         Use the specified version of YamlLint
  --ansible-lint VERSION     Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  --flake8 VERSION           Use the specified version of Flake8
  --testinfra VERSION        Use the specified version of Testinfra
  --use-system-dependencies  Use the system version of Python

Environment variables:
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE       Use the specified version of Ansible
  MOLECULEW_MOLECULE      Use the specified version of Molecule
  MOLECULEW_PYTHON        Use the specified version of Python
  MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT      Use the specified version of YamlLint
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT  Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  MOLECULEW_FLAKE8        Use the specified version of Flake8
  MOLECULEW_TESTINFA      Use the specified version of Testinfra
  MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM    Use system dependencies (true/false)

The version may be a valid version number, latest to freeze to the latest available version, or default to keep the frozen version (if set) or otherwise freeze at the current latest version (i.e. the same effect as not specifying the option).

The above command line arguments take preference over environment variables.


./moleculew wrapper-install


Displays the location of the Virtualenv environment.

  --ansible VERSION          Use the specified version of Ansible
  --molecule VERSION         Use the specified version of Molecule
  --python VERSION           Use the specified version of Python
  --yamllint VERSION         Use the specified version of YamlLint
  --ansible-lint VERSION     Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  --flake8 VERSION           Use the specified version of Flake8
  --testinfra VERSION        Use the specified version of Testinfra
  --use-system-dependencies  Use the system version of Python

Environment variables:
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE       Use the specified version of Ansible
  MOLECULEW_MOLECULE      Use the specified version of Molecule
  MOLECULEW_PYTHON        Use the specified version of Python
  MOLECULEW_YAMLLINT      Use the specified version of YamlLint
  MOLECULEW_ANSIBLE_LINT  Use the specified version of Ansible Lint
  MOLECULEW_FLAKE8        Use the specified version of Flake8
  MOLECULEW_TESTINFA      Use the specified version of Testinfra
  MOLECULEW_USE_SYSTEM    Use system dependencies (true/false)

The version may be a valid version number, latest to freeze to the latest available version, or default to keep the frozen version (if set) or otherwise freeze at the current latest version (i.e. the same effect as not specifying the option).

The above command line arguments take preference over environment variables.


./moleculew wrapper-virtualenv


This software is licensed under the terms in the file named "LICENSE" in the root directory of this project. This project has dependencies that are under different licenses.

Author Information

John Freeman

GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)