A browser based API testing tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A browser based API testing tool

Business Requirements

Our application will be an API testing tool that can be run in any browser, allowing a user to easily interact with APIs in a familiar interface.

The core requirements and functionality are as follows:

  • Simple, intuitive user interface
    • A form where a user:
      • Enters a REST API Endpoint (URI)
      • Selects the REST Method to use (get, post, put, delete)
      • For put and post, allow the user to enter JSON to be used as the body for the request
      • A button to initiate the request
    • An output section which:
      • Displays a spinner to indicate a request is in process
      • Once a request is complete:
      • Hide the spinner
      • Display a well formatted view of the API response in 2 sections
        • Headers
        • Body
    • A history section which:
      • Shows a list of all unique, successful requests
      • Allows a user to click or select one to re-populate the form so they can repeat the request

Technical Requirements

The application will be created with the following overall architecture and methodologies

  • React
  • ES6 Classes
  • Shared Component State
  • Local Storage for storing request history
  • Superagent or Axios for performing API Requests
  • SASS for styling
  • Global Theme
  • Component specific CSS where possible
  • Test Driven Development, using Jest
  • Tests will be runnable locally
  • Deployment to GitHub Pages using an Action

Development Process, Milestones

Phase 1: Application Setup

  • Basic React Application
  • Scaffolding
  • Basic State
  • Rendering

Phase 2: Testing and Deployment

  • Testing of React components and applications
  • Uses best practices for testing Behaviors and Acceptance Criteria
  • Integrates with an online CI framework
  • Deploy to GitHub Pages, Netlify, and/or AWS

Phase 3: State and Props

  • Create multiple components to handle each aspect of the Application
  • Sharing state and behaviors between components
  • Basic layout and styling

Phase 4: Fit and Finish

  • Incorporate the spinner, using conditional rendering
  • App is Fully Tested
  • App is Fully Documented
  • RESTy is Deployed and publicly available