Node Ecosystem, TDD, CI/CD

Application development in the Node.js ecosystem, including the writing of modular code using CommonJS modules, writing tests to assert code quality, setting up and working in a "Continuous Integration" environment (Github Actions).

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

Describe and Define

  • Node and the V8 Engine


  • Setup a Node.js Package using npm
  • Create CommonJS modules
  • Create a simple express server
  • See passing tests via GitHub actions (CI)
  • Deploy to Heroku using CD

Today's Outline


Importing and Exporting Modules

If one module exports a function or an object ...

// person.js
const person = {};

person.walk = function() {
  return 'walking';

module.exports = person;

Another module can import and use that function or object

const human = require('./person.js'))
console.log( human.walk() );  // prints 'walking'

CI/CD - Continuous Integration and Deployment

In your lab today, you'll be doing a full "professional" deployment using 2 branches, PR's, and a continuous process to get your code deployed.

You will repeat this process for every server based lab moving forward. Keep these notes (and the lab steps) handy for future reference

Completed Assignment Links