
Send http requests with sublime rather than tools like PostMan. Syntax hilight, Comment supported

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An alternate of PostMan. No gui, but pretty easy to send http requests in sublime. We can find the Documentation here. Please report any issue here.


  • The syntax is similar to HTTP protocol.
  • Comment supported.
  • Syntax hilight.

The Simplest Request

Create a file named with "test.req", with content.

GET https://www.google.com/

Save, press Command+B or Ctrl+B to run to send the request.

Form Submission/File Upload

// lines begin with double slashes will be ignored
// post-example

// request line:
POST http://test.com/show_post.php

// [optional] query strings, will be added to the request line as the query string

// [optional] options, used to control the behavious of `HttpUnit`

// [optional] http headers, will be added to the http header
Token: hello
Cookie: sessionid=anysessionid

// [optional] body
// The following "--" indicates the the beginning of request body

// Simple Kv
username: gaohuias
password: 123456

// File upload, values start with "@" will be considered as a file path
image: @/Users/tom/images/2114647.jpeg

// The "--" above indicates the ending of a request
// The subquent requests can begin from here.

Post JSON/Raw Data

// post-raw/json

// Request Line:
POST http://test.com/show_post.php

// indicts the content type, it's optional
Content-Type: application/json

// [optional] body
// The "--raw" indicates the beginning of the body too. But the content will be put in the http body without any changes.
	"username" : "gaohuia"

Config File

You can build a config file named requester.json under the project directory, and put any options in it, which will be applied to all requests under the project automatically.


	"header_in" : 0,
	"header_out" : 0

Valid options

  • @timeout The maximum number of milliseconds to allow cURL functions to execute. Default: unlimited
  • @header_in 0/1 to control the output of the response header. Default: 1.
  • @header_out 0/1 to control the output of the request header. Default: 1.
  • @auth Auth method to use, valid values: basic, digest.
  • @userpwd User && Pass to use, in format of "user:pass".


  • PHP 7.0+


Just press Command+B (For Mac) or Ctrl+B (For Win) to run your script.


The simplest way to install HttpUnit would be through the Package Control.

  1. Press Command+Shift+P, type int "Install Package" and press Enter.
  2. Type in "Http Unit" and press Enter.
  3. That is all you need to do. Enjoy!

Alternative Way:

Press Ctrl+` Copy the following code, parst and press enter.

import urllib.request,os,hashlib,tempfile,zipfile,shutil; version = "1.2.0"; name = "HttpUnit"; url = "https://github.com/gaohuia/HttpUnit/archive/v%s.zip" % (version); pp = sublime.packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(); io = tempfile.TemporaryFile(); io.write(by); temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir(); z = zipfile.ZipFile(io); z.extractall(temp_dir); shutil.copytree(temp_dir + "/" + name + "-" + version, pp + "/" + name); io.close();