Stable Marriage with Incomplete List and Ties (SMTI) using Spark
Course project by Yilong Geng and Mingyu Gao for CME 323 in Stanford University.
Implement Gale-Shapley algorithm for stable marriage problem, and Zoltan Kiraly's algorithm for 3/2-approximation on SMTI problem.
- src/main/scala/edu/stanford/cme323/spark/smti/
- package.scala: general definition
- SMTIGS.scala: base class for GS algorithm scheme
- SMTIGSBasic.scala: basic GS algorithm
- SMTIGSKiraly.scala: Kiraly's algorithm
- utils/: utilities for IO and random data generation
- MainApp.scala: example usage main class
- utilities/
- script to translate dataset at
- testdata/: a small test dataset with 100 men/women, pi = 0.8, pt = 0.2
Use sbt:
make assembly
Use random generated data:
make run ARGS="--size 1000 --pi 0.9 --pt 0.2"
Use translated dataset:
make run ARGS="--in testdata"
Use default random generated data, and output marriage result:
make run ARGS="--out <out dir>"
Specify a seed for random generator:
make run ARGS="--seed <seed>"
Specify number of RDD partitions:
make run ARGS="--num-parts <np>"
Specify number of working threads:
make run N=<n>
- Gale, D., Shapley, L. S.. College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage. American Mathematical Monthly.
- Kiraly, Z.. Linear Time Local Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Stable Marriage. Algorithms 2013.