For a private project DTranx under heavy development

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark in C++, a C++ version of YCSB (https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki)

pre-requisite: libtbb-dev Dynamically linked libtbb-dev

For hyperdex support, check out the website for installation http://hyperdex.org Clients: install libhyperdex-client-dev-warp, python-hyperdex-client-warp Server: install hyperdex-warp

To start hyperdex servers, follow the steps here
1. start coordinator at server1
	hyperdex coordinator -f -l -p 7777 &> hyperdex.coord &
2. start all daemons in all servers
	hyperdex daemon -f --listen= --listen-port=7776 --coordinator= --coordinator-port=7777 --data=./hyperdex.db &> hyperdex.daemon &
3. initialize database
	3.1 Add space "ning" using python in coordinator
			import hyperdex.admin
			a = hyperdex.admin.Admin('', 7777)
				space ning
				key keystr
				attributes value
	3.2 create hashkey file by running HashGenerator.cc program
			./a.out > hashkeys
	3.3 Run InitializeHyperdex.py and feed it with hashkey file
			python InitializeHyperdex.py hashkeys


  1. Build the project
  2. Build unit tests
    make unit
  3. Run unit tests

Maintained by Ning Gao University of Colorado Boulder