
Download all your LeetCode submissions

Primary LanguagePython


Download all your LeetCodeCN and LeetCodeUS submissions


Download all problems info



lccn_submission.py requires requests, lcus_submission.py requires selenium.

lccn_problem.py downloads LCCN problem list, lcus_problem.py downloads LCUS problem list.

lccn_submission.py 需要 requestslcus_submission.py 需要 selenium

lccn_problem.py 下载 LCCN 题目列表,lcus_problem.py 下载 LCUS 题目列表。

$ python3 lccn_submission.py
Username: input_your_username
Password: input_your_password
$ python3 lcus_submission.py
Username: input_your_username
Password: input_your_password
$ python3 lccn_problem.py
$ python3 lcus_problem.py

The result will be saved in the folder lccn_usernamelcus_username(all submissions, all information, json format)

结果将保存在文件夹 lccn_usernamelcus_username(所有提交,所有信息,json 格式)

Only incremental submissions will be downloaded, existing submissions will be skipped.


The latest accepted submissions will be saved in Accepted.

最近正确提交会保存在 Accepted

All problems info will be saved in lccn_problem.json and lcus_problem.json.

所有问题信息会被保存在 lccn_problem.jsonlcus_problem.json