
Primary LanguageVim Script

Work with vim anywhere.



Execute the setup.sh

bash setup.sh


You may need to install GVIM in your system first.

After install, copy all the files in the directory files to the $HOME directory.

If you dont know what is the $HOME directory, open GVIM, type the command below:

:ehco $HOME

It will output something like:

C:\Users\srain\     // This is the $HOME


It's done now, ctag will be install on different platforms

In mac, should replace the Exuberant CTags

brew install ctags

In Minimum Installation CentOS

sudo yum install -y ctags

In Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags


keys usage
ctrl + p CtrlP
wm toggle left window
,f go to first window
,sp :set paste
,snp :set nopaste