
The science and art of anomaly detection

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


skyline web app

Skyline is a real-time* anomaly detection* system*, built to enable passive monitoring of hundreds of thousands of metrics, without the need to configure a model/thresholds for each one, as you might do with Nagios. It is designed to be used wherever there are a large quantity of high-resolution timeseries which need constant monitoring. Once a metrics stream is set up (from StatsD or Graphite or other source), additional metrics are automatically added to Skyline for analysis. Skyline's easily extendible algorithms automatically detect what it means for each metric to be anomalous. After Skyline detects an anomalous metric, it surfaces the entire timeseries to the webapp, where the anomaly can be viewed and acted upon.

Read the details in the wiki.


  1. sudo pip install -r requirements.txt for the easy bits

  2. Install numpy, scipy, pandas, patsy, statsmodels, msgpack_python in that order.

  3. You may have trouble with SciPy. If you're on a Mac, try:

  • sudo port install gcc48
  • sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-4.8 /opt/local/bin/gfortran
  • sudo pip install scipy

On Debian, apt-get works well for Numpy and SciPy. On Centos, yum should do the trick. If not, hit the Googles, yo.

  1. cp src/settings.py.example src/settings.py

  2. Add directories:

sudo mkdir /var/log/skyline
sudo mkdir /var/run/skyline
sudo mkdir /var/log/redis
sudo mkdir /var/dump/
  1. Download and install the latest Redis release

  2. Start 'er up

  • cd skyline/bin
  • sudo redis-server redis.conf
  • sudo ./horizon.d start
  • sudo ./analyzer.d start
  • sudo ./webapp.d start

By default, the webapp is served on port 1500.

  1. Check the log files to ensure things are running.

Debian + Vagrant specific, if you prefer


  • If you already have a Redis instance running, it's recommended to kill it and restart using the configuration settings provided in bin/redis.conf

  • Be sure to create the log directories.

Hey! Nothing's happening!

Of course not. You've got no data! For a quick and easy test of what you've got, run this:

cd utils
python seed_data.py

This will ensure that the Horizon service is properly set up and can receive data. For real data, you have some options - see wiki

Once you get real data flowing through your system, the Analyzer will be able start analyzing for anomalies!


Skyline can alert you! In your settings.py, add any alerts you want to the ALERTS list, according to the schema:

  • (metric keyword, strategy, expiration seconds, <SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS>)

Where strategy is one of smtp, hipchat, pagerduty or syslog. Wildcards can be used in the metric keyword as well. You can also add your own alerting strategies. For every anomalous metric, Skyline will search for the given keyword and trigger the corresponding alert(s). To prevent alert fatigue, Skyline will only alert once every for any given metric/strategy combination. To enable Hipchat integration, uncomment the python-simple-hipchat line in the requirements.txt file. If using syslog then the EXPIRATION_TIME should be set to 1 for this to be effective in catching every anomaly, e.g.

  • ("stats", "syslog", 1)

The optional SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS setting is only required should you want to send any metrics to mirage at a different time resolution period.

How do you actually detect anomalies?

An ensemble of algorithms vote. Majority rules. Batteries kind of included. See wiki


mirage is an extension of skyline that enables second order resolution analysis of metrics that have a SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS defined in the alert tuple. Skyline's FULL_DURATION somewhat limits Skyline's usefulness for metrics that have a seasonality / periodicity that is greater than FULL_DURATION. Increasing skyline's FULL_DURATION to anything above 24 hours (86400) is not necessarily realistic or useful, because the greater the FULL_DURATION, the greater redis memory and the longer skyline.analyzer.run_time and if you do not analyze all your metrics within as close to a 60 second period as possible, lag begins to inhibits efficiency. mirage uses the user-defined seasonality for a metric (SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS) and if analyzer finds a metric to be anomalous at FULL_DURATION and the metric alert tuple has SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS and ENABLE_MIRAGE is 'True', analyzer will push the metric variables to the mirage check dir for mirage to surface the metric timeseries at its proper seasonality, in realtime from graphite in json format and then analyze the timeseries to determine if the datapoint that triggered analyzer, is anomalous at the metric's true seasonality.

By default mirage is disabled, various mirage options can be configured in the settings.py file and analyzer and mirage can be configured as approriate for your environment.

mirage requires some directories as per settings.py defines (these require absolute path):

sudo mkdir -p $MIRAGE_CHECK_PATH
sudo mkdir -p $MIRAGE_DATA_FOLDER

Configure settings.py with some alert tuples that have the SECOND_ORDER_RESOLUTION_HOURS defined, e.g.:

           ("skyline", "smtp", 1800),
           ("stats_counts.http.rpm.publishers.*", "smtp", 300, 168),

And ensure that settings.py has mirage options enabled:



Start mirage:

  • cd skyline/bin
  • sudo ./mirage.d start

mirage allows for testing of realtime data and algorithms in parallel to analyzer allowing for comparisons of different timeseries and/or algorithms. mirage was inspired by crucible and the desire to extend the temporal data pools available to analyzer in an attempt to handle seasonality better, reduce noise and increase signal, specfically on seasonal metrics.

mirage is rate limited to analyse 30 metrics per minute, this is by design and desired. Surfacing data from graphite and analysing ~1000 datapoints in a timeseries takes less than 1 second and is much less CPU intensive than analyzer, but it is probably sufficient to have 30 calls to graphite per minute and if a large number of metrics went anomalous, even with mirage discarding MIRAGE_STALE_SECONDS checks due to processing limit, signals would still be sent.


boundary is an extension of skyline that enables very specific analysis of specified metrics with specified algorithms, with specified alerts.

boundary was added to allow for threshold-like monitoring to the skyline model, it was specifically added to enable the detect_drop_off_cliff algorithm which could not be bolted nicely into analyzer (although it was attempted, it was ugly). While analyzer allows for the passive analysis of 1000s of metrics, its algorithms are not perfect. boundary allows for the use of the skyline data and model as a scapel, not just a sword. Just like analyzer, boundary has its own algorithms and importantly, boundary is not CONSENSUS based. This means that you can match key metrics on "thresholds/limits" and somewhat dynamically too.

The boundary concept is quite like skyline backwards, enilyks. This is because where analyzer is almost all to one configuration, boundary is more one configuration to one or many. Where analyzer is all metrics through all algorithms, boundary is each metric through one algorithm. analyzer uses a large range of the timeseries data, boundary uses the most recent (the now) portion of the timeseries data.

boundary currently has 3 defined algorithms:

  • detect_drop_off_cliff
  • less_than
  • greater_than

boundary is run as a separate process just like analyzer, horizon and mirage. It was not envisaged to analyse all your metrics, but rather your key metrics in an additional dimension/s. If it was run across all of your metrics it would probably be a) VERY noisy, b) VERY CPU intensive; if deployed only key metrics it has a very low footprint (9 seconds on 150 metrics with 2 processes assigned) and a high return. If deployed as intended it should be able to easily coexist with an existing skyline analyzer/mirage setup, with adding minimal load. This also allows one to implement boundary independently without changing, modifying or impacting on a running analyzer.

boundary alerting is similar to analyzer alerting, but a bit more featureful and introduces the ability to rate limit alerts per alerter channel, as it is not beyond the realms of possibility that at some point all your key metrics may drop off a cliff, but maybe 15 pagerduty alerts every 30 minutes is sufficient, so alert rates are configurable.

Configuration and running boundary

settings.py has an independent setting blocks and the settings.py.example has the detailed information on each setting, the main difference from analyzer being in terms of number of variables that have to be declared in the alert tuples, e.g:

    ('metric1', 'detect_drop_off_cliff', 1800, 500, 3600, 0, 2, 'smtp'),
    ('metric2.either', 'less_than', 3600, 0, 0, 15, 2, 'smtp|hipchat'),
    ('nometric.other', 'greater_than', 3600, 0, 0, 100000, 1, 'smtp'),

Once settings.py has all the boundary configuration done, start boundary:

  • cd skyline/bin
  • sudo ./boundary.d start

detect_drop_off_cliff algorithm - EXPERIMENTAL

The detect_drop_off_cliff algorithm provides a method for analysing a timeseries to determine is the timeseries "dropped off a cliff". The standard skyline analyzer algorithms do not detect the drop off cliff pattern very well at all, testing with crucible has proven. Further to this, the CONSENSUS methodology used to determine whether a timeseries deemed anomalous or not, means that even if one or two algorithms did detect a drop off cliff type event in a timeseries, it would not be flagged as anomalous if the CONSENSUS threshold was not breached.

The detect_drop_off_cliff algorithm - does just what it says on the tin. Although this may seem like setting and matching a threshold, it is more effective than a threshold as it is dynamically set depending on the data range.

Some things to note about analysing a timeseries with the algorithm are:

  • This algorithm is most suited (accurate) with timeseries where there is a large range in the timeseries most datapoints are > 100 (e.g high rate). Arbitrary trigger values in the algorithm do filter peaky low rate timeseries, but they can become more noisy with lower value datapoints, as significant cliff drops are from a lower height, however it still generally matches drops off cliffs on low range metrics.
  • The trigger tuning based on the timeseries sample range is fairly arbitrary, but has been tested and does filter peaky noise in low range timeseries, which filters most/lots of noise.
  • The alogrithm is more suited to datasets which come from multiple sources, e.g. an aggregation of a count from all servers, rather than from individual sources, e.g. a single server's metric. The many are less likely to experience false positive cliff drops, whereas the individual is more likely to experience true cliff drops.
  • ONLY TESTED WITH: ** positive, whole number timeseries data ** Does not currently work with negative integers in the timeseries values (although it will not break, will just skip if a negative integer is encountered) ** For more info see detect_drop_off_cliff


See the rest of the wiki


  1. Fork earthgeko/skyline
  2. Hack away
  3. If you are adding new functionality, document it in the README or examples
  4. If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors
  5. Verfiy your code by running the test suite and pep8, adding additional tests if able.
  6. Push the branch up to GitHub
  7. Send a pull request to the earthgeko/skyline project.

We actively welcome contributions. If you don't know where to start, try checking out the issue list and fixing up the place. Or, you can add an algorithm - a goal of this project is to have a very robust set of algorithms to choose from.

Also, feel free to join the skyline-dev mailing list for support and discussions of new features.

(*depending on your data throughput, *you might need to write your own algorithms to handle your exact data, *it runs on one box)