(Currently) 🤖 A distributed cross-platform Telegram Bot that can control your Aria2 server, control server files and also upload to OneDrive / Google Drive.
- 2lifetopChina
- 5536086
- Airnexus
- asd2003asd
- asunaShanghai China
- attack204@alibaba
- biliroy
- cgkings
- chenjiepro
- dechunwang
- fopiko
- GAted0
- HoshinoSuzumi@UniiemStudio
- Jeffery186
- kidmam
- lcylty
- lifansama
- logdnslocal
- N30Z3N1337x
- nulltoany
- Pengxn@xn-02f
- pointedhat32167
- qupaif
- reman-l
- roshanconnor123
- SagiriShiho
- sasoncheung
- shangdawei
- wangyaojiu
- welcomefrank
- whoerau
- wshedu
- wuhuai2020
- xwyrz
- XYenon
- yiyangerChina