ELEC5660 Introduction to Aerial Robotics: Project 2 Phase 1

In Project 2 Phase 1, you need to implement the algorithm on Lecture 7 to estimate camera’s poses with images. This is an individual project, which means you must complete it by yourself.

Project Requirements

  • Calculating the camera’s pose corresponding to every image.

  • Publishing camera pose information in the form of nav msgs/Odometry.

  • Plotting these poses with rqt rviz.

  • Comparing your result with the reference.

your code here:

void process(const vector<int> &pts_id, const vector<cv::Point3f> &pts_3, const vector<cv::Point2f> &pts_2, const ros::Time& frame_time)
    // version 2, your work
    Matrix3d R;
    Vector3d T;
    ROS_INFO("write your code here!");
    Quaterniond Q_yourwork;


You will be provided with a ROS package named tag detector, where a serial of points and their positions will be calculated with images. You need to implement this project based on the point and position array. You can follow the below procedures to prepare for your coding.

  • put aruco-1.2.4 and tag detector in your workspace catkin_ws/src/

  • install aruco (following aruco-1.2.4/README)

  • Setup your ROS environment and compile the tag_detector package.

  • Find bag_tag.launch in tag_detector/launch, and images.bag in tag_detector/bag.

  • Use bag_tag.launch and images.bag to run this package (roslaunch bag tag.launch).

  • Read the comments in tag_detector/src/tag detector node.cpp carefully.

  • Add your code into tag detector/src/tag_detector_node.cpp.

  • Note that the pose you calculated is ( , ), which represents the pose of world frame respecting to the camera frame.


The dataset is uploaded to the cloud drive:

Dataset 1: ekf_A3.bag
Download link: Google Drive 百度网盘

Dataset 2: ekf_A3_2.bag
Download link:Google Drive 百度网盘