
This is a rospkg using pointgrey camera and trigered by djiros

Primary LanguageC++

PointGrey Reader

Download code

Enter the catkin work space

git clone https://github.com/gaowenliang/ptgrey_reader.git

Install dependency for ptgrey

Install libusb-1.0.21

cd YOUR_ROS_WORKSPACE/src/ptgrey_reader/install/usb/  
tar jxvf libusb-1.0.21.tar.bz2  
cd libusb-1.0.21/  

Follow the INSTALL file to make and install the libusb library:

sudo make install  

Install camera driver for ptgrey

The driver supports the computer with Intel CPUs and NVIDIA TX2.

  • For computer with Intel CPU:
cd YOUR_ROS_WORKSPACE/src/ptgrey_reader/install/amd64/
tar zxvf flycapture2-
cd flycapture2-
  • For TX2:
cd YOUR_ROS_WORKSPACE/src/ptgrey_reader/install/arm64/
tar zxvf flycapture.
cd flycapture.

Follow the README file. Install requirements:

sudo apt-get install libraw1394-11 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libusb-1.0-0 -y

Install Flycapture2 driver library:

sudo sh install_flycapture.sh

Build the package:


Before using that you may need to give them enough authority

sudo gedit cd /etc/udev/rules.d/40-flir.rules

Change all the 0613 or 0664 to 777 in the "40-flir.rules" and save. Then restart the system.


Use rosrun the camera_list to see your camera ID number.

rosrun ptgrey_reader camera_list

The camera infomation will be shown in screen, such as:

FlyCapture2 library version:
Application build date: Jun  7 2018 23:22:29

Number of cameras detected: 1

========== CAMERA INFORMATION ============
         Serial number | 17221110
          Camera model | Chameleon3 CM3-U3-13Y3M
         Camera vendor | Point Grey Research
                Sensor | OnSemi PYTHON1300 (1/2" Mono CMOS)
            Resolution | 1280x1024
      Firmware version |
   Firmware build time | Tue Nov 15 18:35:47 2016

Done! Press Enter to exit...

Copy the Serial number to launch file as device, and launch.

roslaunch ptgrey_reader single.launch 

After launch the camera, there will be a ROS topic named /pg_YOU_SERIAL_NUM/image_raw, such as /pg_17221069/image_raw. The type is sensor_msgs/Image.

Parameter Detail Default
device Device Serial number
is_pub Publish ROS image message or not true
is_show Show the image in screen or not false
is_print Print the infomation on screen or not true
is_sync Use hardware trigger or not false
is_grey (for Color Sensor) Output Grey Scale image or not false
is_roi Use ROI and down sample not false
is_auto_shutter Auto shutter time or not false
shutter Shutter time 0.0001 to 100.0
brightness Brightness 5.0
exposure Exposure 0.8
WB_red Write Balance red 550
WB_Blue Write Balance blue 810
gain Gain 0.0

If is_grey is true, there will be a extra ROS tpoic named /pg_YOU_SERIAL_NUM/image_grey.

If is_roi is true, there will be a extra ROS tpoic named /pg_YOU_SERIAL_NUM/image. The ROI and down sample with such two step rule:

  • step1: crop ROI image

  • step2: down sample, with down_sample_scale <= 1.0

Hardware Trigger

The Hardware trigger is to capture an image while the camera received a trigger signal. An extra trigger cable is required. Buy the elements of the trigger cable in JST NSHR-09V-S and JST ASSHLSSHL28W51. Set is_sync as true in the launch file. And make sure the rate is larger than the trigger signal frequency.


USB buffer issue:

If progrem cannot run successfully, especially for muti-camera system and high FPS system, change the USB buffer before roslaunch the progrem:

sudo -S sh -c 'echo 2048 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'

Ps: 2048Mb is not required. Any buffer size is OK.