Setup Moniforld2-TX2


  • do not install OpenCV4Tegra V2.4 for TX2, we will use OpenCV3
  • for TX2 you may need to flash it tiwce, one just flash the OS, the other install cuda
  • if the tx1/tx2 cannot boot the GUI, but shut down after finish loading BIOS, try to change a more powerful power source

Setup and Download files

  1. Install Jetpack 3.1 and Download the system files.

wait for downloading and extracting.

  1. Install small TX2 configure with root:
cd small-USB3
sudo ./

Flash the TX2.

  1. Connect the TX2 and Carrier (or Dev-Kit) to the computer via USB Following the instructions in the appropriate manual.

  2. Put the system to be flashed into recovery mode, following the instructions in the appropriate manual.

  3. Run flash script from Linux_for_Tegra directory.

cd 64_TX2/Linux_for_Tegra_tx2
sudo ./
  1. Once the flashing has completed, the TX2 will reboot
  • username: nvidia

  • password: nvidia

Install CUDA.

  1. Install Jetpack 3.1 and Download the files.

wait for downloading and extracting.

  1. connect your host computer and your TX2 on the same router. Find the IP address of your TX2:

sample: use arp-scan

sudo apt-get install arp-scan


sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 | grep NVIDIA


wait for install.