Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Primary LanguagePython


Automate the Boring Stuff with Python



import os
os.chdir('H:\\ABSP\\Chapter ')
Page .py Notes
P10 hello.py
P26 vampire.py
P26 vampire2.py
P29 littleKid.py
P32 yourName.py
P33 yourName2.py
P35 swordfish.py
P35 infiniteloop.py
P37 fiveTimes.py
P37 notName.py
P37 notName2.py
P39 fiveTimes2.py
P40 printRandom.py
P41 exitExample.py
P42 howdy.py
P42 oneToTen.py
P42 oneToTen2.py
P43 helloFunc.py
P44 helloFunc2.py
P45 magic8ball.py
P46 helloFunc2None.py
P49 defSpam49.py
P50 sameName.py
P50 sameName2.py
P51 sameName3.py
P51 sameName4.py
P52 zeroDivide.py
P53 zeroDivide2.py
P53 zeroDivide3.py
P54 guessTheNumber.py
P56 collatz.py
P57 collatz2.py
P63 allMyCats1.py
P64 allMyCats2.py
P66 myPets.py
P70 magic8Ball2.py
P76 passingReference.py
P79 comma.py
P79 grid.py
P79 comma2.py undone
P79 grid2.py undone
P82 birthdays.py
P85 characterCount.py
P86 prettyCharacterCount.py
P88 ticTacToe.py
P92 thingsBrought.py
P94 inventory.py
P94 addToInventory.py undone
P97 catnapping.py
P99 howAreYou.py
P101 validateInput.py
P104 picnicTable.py
P106 pw.py
P108 bulletPointAdder.py
P110 lineFeedDeleter.py
P111 printTableFunc.py undone
P116 isPhoneNumber.py with re way
P131 phoneAndEmail.py with Chinese way
P135 digits3.py
P135 nakamoto.py
P135 aliceBob.py
P136 strongPassword.py
P136 reStrip.py undone
P145 hello.txt
P145 sonnet29.txt
P147 mydata.db
P148 myCats.py
P149 randomQuizGenerator/randomQuizGenerator.py
P153 mcb.pyw
P156 extmcb.pyw undone
P156 madLibs/madLibs.py undone. Works with sample.txt Outputs sample_result.txt
P156 reAllTxts/reAllTxts.py undone
P161 os.Walk.py
P163 zipfile/example.zip
P165 renameDates.py
P168 backupToZip.py issue
P171 CopyCertainType.py
P172 delBigFiles.py
P172 missingNum1.py
P172 missingNum2.py

Third Party Model installed

pip3 install pyperclip pip3 install send2trash


git add . && git commit -m "update" && git push origin master

downloaded from: http://www.epubit.com.cn/file/resource/251240121063028172175199212237008125124174189031