
Forms -- sesquilinear and quadratic, a package for GAP

Primary LanguageGAP

         Forms  --- Sesquilinear and Quadratic

                        John Bamberg
            (The University of Western Australia)
                        Jan De Beule
                (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

This package provides:

-  A way to create and use sesquilinear and quadratic forms on 
   finite vector spaces.

-  An operation which finds an isometry between two forms of the same type

-  An operation which returns the forms left invariant by a matrix group.

For further information see:


Just unpack one of the archives in the "pkg" subdirectory of your GAP 
installation. The archive is available in several formats:


Unpacking generates a subdirectory "forms". Then you can load the package
by typing in the GAP command line "LoadPackage("forms");". All documentation and
examples are included.

INSTALLATION *outside the GAP main directory*: When you don't have access to
the directory of your main GAP installation you can also install the package(s)
by unpacking inside a directory "MYGAPDIR/pkg", where "MYGAPDIR" is any path in
your home directory that you have access to. 

To use packages installed in "MYGAPDIR/pkg", do not forget to start gap with the
extra option '-l ";MYGAPDIR"'.

For questions or comments on the "Forms" package, write to John Bamberg or Jan
De Beule at

   bamberg@maths.uwa.edu.au or jan@debeule.eu

Have a lot of fun!

The authors,

John Bamberg and Jan De Beule